Author Archive for Dick Clark – Page 4

Silencer hunting bill moves out of committee in Georgia

It has been a good couple of days for silencer advocates. Yesterday, an Iowa bill that would legalize silencers in the Hawkeye state moved out of committee. Today in Georgia, a bill to legalize hunting with silencers in that state has advanced out of  the Senate Natural Resources and Environment Committee. SB 93 would remove the […]

Iowa silencer bill advances from committee

The American Silencer Association reports that the Judiciary Committee of the Iowa General Assembly has advanced HF 384, which would legalize silencers in Iowa for those who are otherwise in compliance with the law, including the National Firearms Act. The bill can now be schedule for debate by the full Iowa House, but it still […]

ATF plans scheduled restarts to beat eForms bugs

Registered eForms system users received this email from ATF today: As  you are aware, eForms has had performance issues for the past three weeks.  We are diligently working with experts in the field to resolve the issues. Until we can get the issues resolved we will be implementing automated restarts of the server at 4:00 am, 9:00 […]

AR-15 Podcast: Silencers

An apologia for eForms

ATF eForms users received this message this morning from the agency explaining problems with the eForms system but touting the volume of applications that it is still managing to accept. Res ipsa loquitur.

Ohio lawmakers hit the range to learn about silencers

As floor debate likely approaches on legislation to legalize silencers for hunters in Ohio, some lawmakers recently went to the Black Wing Shooting Center for a demonstration. About ten legislators made the trip to watch and listen at an event organized by the Buckeye Firearms Association. Some of them even stepped to the firing line to get some hands-on […]

Iowa legislature considering silencer legalization

Iowa stands out as one of the few Midwestern American states—along with Minnesota and Illinois—that prohibit the private use of silencers. That could change if H.F. 384 becomes law in the Hawkeye State. Introduced by Matt Windschitl (R-Missouri Valley) last March, the bill would eliminate the prohibition on private possession and use of these items in […]

Review: Huntertown Arms Kestrel 5.56

When I finally decided to get a silencer in December 2012, I was not sure that I would be getting more than one. I was nervous about spending a lot of money, especially when the cost of every new silencer includes a mandatory two hundred dollar donation to the federal government. It seemed to me […]

More technical problems with ATF eForms

Because of the much shorter wait times it offers for the processing of NFA-related forms, the eForms system is the most celebrated accomplishment of the ATF in the last year (faint praise, given the unpleasant surprise of ATF 41P, and the generally anti-freedom mission of the whole agency). Unfortunately, as with other federal websites that are under […]

Silencer ownership up in Ohio, across the country

Silencers are selling like hotcakes, and the media is starting to take notice. In an article published on Tuesday, the Intelligencer/Wheeling News-Register informs readers in the Ohio Valley that most states do not prohibit silencers, and that more and more states are removing prohibitions on hunting with silencers. The paper reports that ATF has seen a substantial […]